The Australian Stroke Alliance

Delivering urgent stroke care on the roads and in the air.

Welcome to the Australian Stroke Alliance where, along with 40 national agencies, we are transforming prehospital stroke care. We are delivering urgent, life-saving care across our vast continent.

It’s about equity, world-first innovation and bringing time-critical stroke treatment directly to the patient.

Not everyone lives in a big city with access to stroke treatment, so we are addressing major gaps in health outcomes for Australians in rural, remote and Indigenous communities. We believe your postcode shouldn’t determine your access to world class healthcare.

Voice to Parliament

Cultural safety in Indigenous health care and research

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Alice Springs Hospital’s stroke care advances

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Rural telestroke service – SA Health leads

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Meet one of our Australian commercial partners: Micro-X

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Stroke-smart paramedics link to tele-neurologists

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A national first: dedicated stroke telehealth cuts time to treatment for rural patient

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Indigenous people more likely to have a stroke

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Hyper-urgent stroke care essential to save lives

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Meet one of our two commercial partners: EMVision

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Meet Yorta Yorta woman, Ambulance Victoria paramedic, Michelle Crilly

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What is a stroke? Symptoms, signs and how to prevent one: The Age

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Voice to Parliament

Voice to Parliament

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A national strategy for mechanical thrombectomy

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Large ischemic stroke patients benefit from thrombectomy

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SA Health

South Australia telestroke service milestone delivers faster diagnosis for 440 rural and remote patients

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Rural health outcomes dire without primary care: New RFDS Report

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The Melbourne Mobile Stroke Unit Celebrates Another Milestone

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Meet Dr Anna Balabanski

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A posse of prehospital stroke expertise

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Welcome to the new chair of our Consumer Council, Dr Eleanor Horton

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The Australian Stroke Alliance:

Our national alliance is committed to build on the successes of the nation’s first mobile stroke ambulance in Melbourne. The Plan is to bring portable brain imaging to Australia’s roads and skies. Read more

Our Education program is empowering the prehospital workforce. Join us as we introduce advanced telemedicine resources and new clinical practices so, together, we may serve extensive and diverse communities. Read more

The Australian Stroke Alliance is a national research organisation. Our Governance includes an independent board, committees and active, specialist councils. Read more

We have enthusiastic commitment from The Team at the Australian Stroke Alliance. This is a game changing collaboration. Read more

Thank you to these generous Australians who have shared their Stroke Stories with us. Each person experienced a stroke, but their various locations dictated just how effectively treatment could be given. Read more

Joint venture partners

Australian Stroke Alliance and Titan logos

A powerful collaboration

The Australian Stroke Alliance brings together seven principal partners, each committed to transforming prehospital stroke care across the nation:

The Royal Melbourne Hospital
Royal Flying Doctor Service
Ambulance Victoria
Stroke Foundation
RMIT University
The University of Melbourne

We also thank and acknowledge our anonymous philanthropic partners who have invested more than $4 million.